Monday, January 19, 2009

How it Works
The Birthday Bonus Club operates as a forced 3×9 matrix.

As a member, you can refer any number of friends but only the first three will go into your first level - and they make up part of the groups who you will be donating to on their birthdays. Any other friends that you refer will “spillover” to lower levels in your network.

A full 3×9 network will look like this :

Level Members Total
1 3 3
2 9 12
3 27 39
4 81 120
5 243 363
6 729 1,092
7 2,187 3,279
8 6,561 9,840
9 19,683 29,523
When your Birthday comes around, we will email everyone in your personal network and ask them to contribute to your Birthday Bonus.

One very important point

The amount that individual members decide to contribute is entirely up to them!

In the Birthday Bonus Request we will suggest an amount to contribute which is based on your Personal Rating

Gold Rating - $5.00
Silver Rating - $4.00
Bronze Rating - $3.00
Green Rating - $2.00
Your Personal Rating

When you join the Birthday Bonus Club you will have a default Personal Rating of Green - but you can improve your rating in a number of ways:

By referring others to the Birthday Bonus Club - you can refer as many new members as you like - and each improves your rating!
By paying more than the recommended amount on a Birthday Request
But - it works the other way too!

You will lose Rating Points if you pay less than the recommended amount on a Birthday Request! We realise that there will be times when you simply cannot afford to donate to someone’s Birthday Bonus - so, we allow you to “pass” a maximum of three times in any one year. You will lose Rating Points but you will have opportunities to make them up again. If you attempt to pass a fourth time, you will be dropped from the Birthday Bonus Club

It’s in your own interests to refer as many new members as you can - for two reasons :

Each new referral adds 1 point to your Personal Rating - you need only 5 points to have a Gold Rating
Extra Rating Points act as a “buffer” for those times when you are short of cash - if you have (say) 10 Rating points and you need to pass a Birthday Request, you will still have five points and Gold status.
Remember - you will NEVER be asked to pay anything to Birthday Bonus Club directly!

As this website develops, we will include advertising - and that is where our income will come from - NOT from YOU! sO PLEASE CONTACT my link URL or you can use this Splash Page in your favorite Trafic Exchange