Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jealousy Is a Poor Tool to Help You Get Your Ex Back by Caroline Mackenzie

Deliberately trying to make your ex jealous after a break up is a childish means of manipulation that will more than likely quickly backfire, making things even worse than they already are.
Regardless of your age there's simply no reason to resort to childish tactics, which no one finds attractive anyway, and in essence, end up losing a good bit of your pride in the process.
On the other hand, if you're completely heartbroken at the moment, not thinking clearly, and could really care less about pride, maturity and all of that, then at least consider this, if your ex boyfriend or girlfriend sees you cavorting happily about with someone else, the very first thing that will probably come to mind is that you're over them, they've been replaced, and you've moved on.
Now, if they decide that they too should do the same thing and meet someone else, using jealousy and manipulation will have really ruined any chance whatsoever for a happy reunion.
Even if this particular scenario doesn't happen to you, it may still be blaringly obvious to your ex that you're simply trying to make them jealous, and instead of actually doing something constructive to try to win them back, you're resorting to silly games, which certainly isn't the way to win anyone's affections.
Also, you have to consider the other person in the picture, the one you're just using to make your ex jealous. There's simply no reason to involve anyone else and run the risk of causing hurt feelings and making enemies.
What Does Work
What you must do, above all else, is convey to your ex that your previous behavior, or the old problems in the relationship, or whatever it was that caused the break up in the first place is now firmly in the past, where it belongs, and that getting back together with them is your main intent for all of the right reasons.
Love and relationships are built upon trust, honesty, mutual understanding and affection, kindness, caring, and host of other positive emotions. Jealousy and all of the other negative emotions it may cause have absolutely no place here. If the relationship is truly meant to be and you both care about each other and want to be together, then the most important task at hand is working through the petty problems that drove you apart and caused you to overlook what's really important, your feelings for each other.
About the Author provides in depth relationship help and expert advice on how to get your ex back.
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